Astek announces that it is one of 19 French companies to be awarded the 2024 label from Deloitte France’s Best Managed Companies program
“For this third edition in France, we are delighted to count the Astek company among the companies having been awarded our Best Managed Companies label of excellence”,
indicates Guillaume Detourmignies, Partner Leader Best Managed Companies France.
indicates Guillaume Detourmignies, Partner Leader Best Managed Companies France.
“We are honored to have been awarded the Best Managed Companies label, which rewards our strategy, our organizational and governance model, and our corporate culture, built on excellence, entrepreneurship and ‘agility.
This award is the result of our continuous investment in the development of talents and the commitment of our teams, making Astek successful on a daily basis throughout the world”,
indicates Julien Gavaldon, CEO of the Astek Group.
This award is the result of our continuous investment in the development of talents and the commitment of our teams, making Astek successful on a daily basis throughout the world”,
indicates Julien Gavaldon, CEO of the Astek Group.
Deployed in France for the first time in 2021, the “Best Managed Companies” label was founded more than thirty years ago by Deloitte Canada.
The program is now present in more than 46 countries, labeling a total of 1,300 companies around the world, including 19 in France this year.
Companies are evaluated on the basis of their long-term strategy, their talent management and their capacity for innovation, their CSR policy as well as their governance and financial management.
These criteria make it possible to measure, on the one hand, the differentiating elements of the company and on the other hand, its ability to respond to current and future challenges.
The program is now present in more than 46 countries, labeling a total of 1,300 companies around the world, including 19 in France this year.
Companies are evaluated on the basis of their long-term strategy, their talent management and their capacity for innovation, their CSR policy as well as their governance and financial management.
These criteria make it possible to measure, on the one hand, the differentiating elements of the company and on the other hand, its ability to respond to current and future challenges.

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© 2024 Deloitte SAS, Member of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited
Deloitte refers to one or more firms, members of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited (DTTL), a company incorporated under English law (“private company limited by guarantee”), and to its network of member firms constituted as independent and legally distinct entities.
DTTL (or “Deloitte Global”) does not provide services to clients.
To learn more about our global network of member firms:
In France, Deloitte SAS is the member firm of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited, and professional services are provided by its subsidiaries and affiliates.
© 2024 Deloitte SAS, Member of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited